"Humpday" Director Lynn Shelton in The New York Times
The New York Times has a nice profile on Lynn Shelton, whose movie Humpday, my own personal blockbuster, opens Friday in NY and Seattle. As the article points out, some bloggers have named her "the female Apatow", but the article illustrates what sets her apart from her studio counterparts:
“I really felt like, ‘O.K., if this film doesn’t get into Sundance, I throw up my hands,’ ” Ms. Shelton said. “I thought I had as strong a chance as I would maybe ever have.” But it was the execution that gave “Humpday” a life outside the festival’s hermetic buzz factory. Within the confines of its dizzyingly high concept Ms. Shelton has created an exploration of the male ego and the passionate rigors of platonic, dude-on-dude love.
It looks like this movie goes where a lot of "dude" movies don't go, and that's why I'm really enthusiastic about it. I thought it was supposed to be out on VOD on Friday too, but I haven't really heard anything about a VOD release date. To learn more about Humpday, click here.
Labels: Humpday, Judd Apatow, Lynn Shelton, Magnolia Pictures, The New York Times, VOD
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