Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Drive to solve all your problems. Or something.

Before my first driving lesson yesterday, I went to the Warren Hunting Smith Library at Hobart & William Smith College. I printed out a list of academic criticisms (the kind you cite in graduate papers) for my book project.

There was no ephiphany. I have decided to wait until the time is right to continue with the research for the book. At this point, I'm confident that I'm going to finish the book eventually, but right now, the research might be more than I can handle. With that being said, I will be going back tomorrow to print out more articles, and I plan on reading the books I have already checked out. Then I will copy all the important information, then return the books and put my notes and copies away.

I'm a little frustrated right now. I'm sure I'm heading in a direction I want to head in, I just don't know if it's going to pay, that's all. I know that once I have my license, I am not going to stay with my parents. Besides, I don't like my job--it's distressing. While I'm not fatalistic about my options, I'm very frustrated about not being able to find a solution.

I asked Dad if I can drive to the library tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be doing that. I need to get comfortable with the idea of driving, and I need to learn how to incorporate it into my life. And maybe then I can reach a decision about the source of my income?

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