Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Seminar Weekend, Part One: Saturday

Saturday, I went up to my sister's house, since the seminar started at 8 O'Clock in the morning. I stopped off at the Apple Store in Victor, and saw this:

Slick is a software program that provides add-ons for IMovie. Some of the effects include psychedelic solarization, fake ratings screens, and documentary pans & zooms.

My mom, sister, and I met up with my brother for lunch, who recently got a job in Rochester, and was looking for an apartment. On our way to my sister's house, we stopped by at the apartment complex where my brother eventually put a down payment on an apartment. My brother's car was parked at the front office, and we thought that was funny.

Bill, my brother-in-law, my sister, and myself went out to dinner, then I watched the season premiere of SNL with LeBron James. The Mahmoud Ahmadinejad song with Andy Samberg and Jake Gyllenhaal was pretty funny, as was the High School Musical 3 sketch. Also, nice to see they brought back The Ambiguously Gay Duo for the sake of making fun of Senator Craig.

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