Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dancing With Myself

My living room computer has been acting funny the past few days, so I haven't really been online.

Earlier this morning, a certain reality hit me. The next time I write a script, It'll be the first time I'll be writing for myself. Until now, I've been writing to answer to others. This time, I'll only be answering to myself. The idea is both empowering and awkward at the same time.

With that being said, I still don't have a clue as to what I'm going to do; hopefully something I can handle. (Well, duh.)


Thursday, July 26, 2007

OMG, I'm Famous Now! (Sorta)

Well, I've had my first major links from other blogs from some videos I've done:

HOWL (for Lindsay Lohan) has been linked at Defamer, Matt Dentler's Blog, and The Spout.

How Mumblecore Saved My Life was blogged over at Matt Dentler's Blog and LOL co-writer and star C. Mason Wells' privately set MySpace page.

I must say that all this attention is very flattering and overwhelming. It's important for me not to get too distracted by this sudden attention. That's why I'm going to reward myself by taking some time off and getting some cleaning done. I seriously need to finish up cleaning my room.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


For the last week and a half now, I've been digging up academic journal articles, and copying book excerpts that primarily deal with Joseph Campbell and Aristotle's Poetics in preparation to write a book (or something) that criticizes screenwriting books and their dogmatic views on storytelling. Earlier tonight, I believe I was thinking about digging out more articles at the libraries at Cornell, when I had to stop and think.

WHY AM I DOING THIS?!?!?? It's not that pursuing such a project would be futile (though it might be). My question was more like, "Do I really care enough to do this?" Undertaking a book length criticism requires a lot of energy, and I might be better off channeling that energy in more constructive ways. I don't even have a proper thesis! Why do I want to do this, and why do I care?

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Erin's Wish List, Installment #1

I have decided that I'm going to post a list of things of stuff I want, plus pictures to accompany them. To be kind of honest, I'm not really worried about my movie right now, but it takes awhile for these types of things to come to pass.

Never underestimate the importance of a good boompole. At the moment, I have a table top mic stand that I bought for $10 at Radio Shack. I already have to superglue the mic holder back on. It does an adequate job of holding the microphone, but if I'm going to take on more serious projects, I want more serious equipment.

Canon XL-2 Camera. I have been seriously considering videography as a new profession. However, if I'm going to do that, I know I want to upgrade my camera. My current camera is wonderful, but not quite pro. The fun thing about the XL2 is that it has HD and 24P options--what I'm aiming for. Unfortunately, it also retails at $4k, so either I'll have to rent one if I want to use it, or I'll have to get really, really lucky.

I know I can definitely use a palmtop recorder. I'd love to have an audio recorder that has crystal clear sound, and it will save a lot of money when it comes time to do voice overs. At $150, it's not a bad price.

The final item on my wish list isn't really so much for me as it is for the people who will score my next movie. I really love the vintage moog sound, and I have heard this program, the Arturia MiniMoog V, comes closer to replicating that sound than the one they currently have on the market.

I can't wait to get my hands on these items.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

I keep a diary.

My birthday went well. I went to Ithaca, got a lot of stuff done, and recieved some very good news.

I like to keep a diary. I have a notebook. It is a composition bound notebook with an op-art design. The notebook began as a way to chronicle my current projects, but now I just jot down things I see and ideas I have.

For example. Last night, I watched Cameron Crowe's Singles, which I rented from Netflix. The movie, though a linear narrative, was divided up into parts, which were defined by titles. The titles had grungy white lettering juxtaposed against a random photograph--very post-modern, early '90s grunge.

A couple of weeks ago, I watched Metropolis. There were a few frames with a lot of eyes put together. That was something I found interesting, and perhaps if I find a need for it, I'll put it to use. Or maybe I should originate my own interesting images.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Important Recent Videos

For the last couple of months, I've been vlogging while I've been waiting to figure out what my new blog is going to be about. Here are some videos I want you to look at.

This is the video resume I posted to see if anyone would hire me as a PA. I haven't had any offers yet, but I'm still accepting them. At some point, I'll start making cold calls and sending out resumes.

In this video I define my plan for the next movie I plan on making--the method I plan on using and anything else I have in mind so far. My plans for my next movie are subject to change at any time.

Here I reflect on the last year of my life, and where I plan to go in the future. It's not as good as I thought it would be, but I wanted it done in time for my birthday tomorrow.

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Good To Be Back...again.

Around the end of April, I began to get the feeling that I wasn't going to be in my current situation for too much longer. I had just taken a trip back to my alma mater, and I began to feel a certain freedom I haven't felt in a long time. I felt that soon I'd be moving into a new phase in my life.

This blog will be devoted to that transition and some of the current projects I'm working on. The title of this blog is the tenative title of my next movie, but currently the movie idea is just a hub to house the stuff I'm talking about.

  • A new movie.. I don't know when I'll be shooting this or where I'll be shooting this, but I do know that this time, I want to make a narrative film. To know what kind of movie I want to make this time around, check out the "Similar Movies, Similar Directors" section of my blogroll.

  • My new Job. I've decided to start hunting for work as a PA (Production Assistant). Being a production assistant is in and of itself shitty work, but the job is a good opportunity to see what goes on when "big" movies are made.

  • Gadgets I want, and own. Lately, I've become a real sucker for film-related gadgets, and have even gone through the process of acquiring a few things on eBay. I would like to acquire more in the near future. On this blog, I plan on posting pictures of things I want to acquire and things I have acquired.

  • My book. I know what kind of book I want to write, but to say too much about it right now might spoil it.

    Previously, I have used blogs as a means to document the process I am going through in hopes that I can publish a book that I hope would inspire others. It was a dream I had ever since I read Robert Rodriguez's Rebel Without A Crew at the end of ninth grade. But now, I'm kind of beyond that. Right now I am just happy to write stuff down.

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