Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Cool Inclusive Club

So I've decided to make a movie about Mumblecore during my trip to SXSW. Most of the budget is already there (the trip, of course), but it does mean I'll have to add on another $500 or so. I think that doing this will actually give me a focal point for the trip, and help me warm up for my first narrative feature.

I was looking at Mopac Media's website. On top of camera rentals, they also offer the service of helping you crew.

And I already have a title, too: The Cool Inclusive Club (go rent Mutual Appreciation to figure out the reference). A website should be up soon.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Erin: Not For Sale

How was my Thanksgiving? Well, I travelled with my family down to Bucks County, PA, where we met up with my brother-in-law's family and had dinner. I took the following two days off from work, and was really upset when I had to go back. It was almost like returning from New York--"I've had this sweet vacation, and now I have to go back to this???

During my vacation, I read a book, How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation. I'm seriously thinking of incorporating myself as a not-for-profit organization. Nonprofit organizations are the ones who get the huge grants, and having a lot of money is what I need right now. Part of the organization's salary would cover my salary and benefits, so I wouldn't have to work or go looking for a job.

This morning, I called Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, and asked to see how I can get a free lawyer. Once everything was incorporated, that lawyer would be on my board of directors, offering legal advice.

As it turns out, they actually offer a seminar that can help you put a nonprofit together. The next one is December 10th, but I can't go, because a.) It's in New York and b.) I have a driving lesson that day. The seminar also costs $425. $425 might sound like a lot, but considering all the profits I could incur at a later point, doesn't really sound too bad. The only problem is, $425 can put a serious dent in my bank account. While I have more than that in there, I've already paid some serious credit card bills this month. Maybe I can get some web design jobs to cover that expense. Hopefully, I'll have the money for it by the next time they offer a seminar.

In other news, I just got a MySpace message from BlueCat that Gordy Hoffman is offering another seminar next weekend in Rochester. I'd go to that too, if there was only more time to write some material.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

All is not as it seems

Have you ever pursued an idea, a dream, or a vision for several years, only when you tried to make it a reality it didn't seem as great as you imagined?

For few years now, I've had this idea that I've bounced around in my head that centered around two things: indie rock and twentysomething life in a college town. (Think Cornell University's Fanclub Collective). I did plenty of interviews and talked to plenty of people while I lived in Ithaca, and of course, I drew from my own memories.

Monday afternoon, I began to have visions and jotted down a list of scenes. But something was amiss. First, I felt like the idea was too reminiscent of Funny Ha Ha and Susan Seidelman's first film, Smithereens. A few years ago, had I realized this avenue was open to me, this would've been a perfect project to pursue. Now? Not so much.

I'll be honest and say that I do want to be accepted as a filmmaker, not just a mumblecore fangirl. In order to do this, I'm really going to have to do something that separates myself from them.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

A-ha Moment #1

Last night, I found myself wallowing in a flurry of...well, worry. I was thinking, "What if the people are sooo over mumblecore and these DIY filmmakers by the time my movie hits the festival circuit?" Then I realized: If you're worried about that, then you've already forgotten why you want to make this movie in the first place.

And then I realized something else. From a more careerist angle, once this movie is done, I will have had a script produced. Something that my 20 year old self woul've loved to hear. Until I thought about that last night, I never looked at it that way.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

No more pressure.

Last night, I met up with Brian, The Film Panel Notetaker last night. We talked Mumblecore (and, in particular, Amy Taubin's evisceration of it), Film Festivals, and my attempt to get down to SXSW, among other things.

He told me that the script for Hannah Takes the Stairs was only a page and a half long. That takes off soooo much pressure.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007 NOW OPEN! is now officially up and running. This is the fundraising campaign that will get me to SXSW. My campaign also has a MySpace page as well. While I will blog here intermittently, I will be tending to this for the next several weeks (and possibly months), as well as passing my driver's test.

I will resume blogging here full-time when my movie project goes into full force.

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